Dr Anne Boultwood
Research interests
Anne’s research is concerned with the relationship between dress and the Self. She is particularly interested in the role of clothing in the construction and maintenance of the Self, and its social and psychological impact. Her research focuses on three related areas: the relationship of clothing to body image, its ability to transcend body issues, and the rise of modest fashion; the potential for clothing as a vehicle for power and control, both self-control and that of others; and the role of fashion and clothing in social influence, particularly as it pertains to style icons. Her current research project addresses some of these aspects through the lens of dress in Muslim women.
Publications and Conferences
BOULTWOOD, A. & HINDLE, S. (eds.) 2018. Culture Costume and Dress: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference, 10-12 May 2017, Birmingham: Gold word Publishing.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2017. The benefits to researchers of working with external organisations. In: DALEY, R., GUCCIONE, K. & HUTCHINSON, S. (eds.) 53 ways to enhance researcher development. Newmarket: Fonrinus.
HINDLE, S., BOULTWOOD, A. & COLLEY, R. 2016. On Performing Art Jewellery: Identity play as leisure activity. Annals of Leisure, 19, 294-313.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2016. Journeying into the unknown: enabling the development of emerging researchers. Anchoring Researcher Development: theoretical mindsets: Researcher Education and Development Scholarship, 2nd Annual Conference. University of Sheffield.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2016. Fashion, the body and the middle aged woman. In: LABAT, K., REILEY, K. & HOKANSON, B., eds. Fashion and the Body, 2016 University of Minnesota, St Paul, Minnesota. 12-14.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2016. Fashion, the body and the middle aged woman. Fashion and th Body. St Paul, Minnesota: University of Minnesota.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2016. From Apprentice to Mentee: changing patterns of PGR development and support. Society, Economy and Communities: 21st century innovations in doctoral education. Adelaide, Australia: Quality in Postgraduate Education conference.
BOULTWOOD, A., TAYLOR, J. & VAUGHAN, S. 2015. The Importance of Coffee: Peer mentoring to support PGRs and ECRs in Art and Design. Vitae Occasional Papers, 2, 15-20.
BOULTWOOD, A. & SHARPES, J. 2015. The Peer Mentoring Forum: a case study of an online, inter-institutional network. Glasgow.
BOULTWOOD, A. & SHARPES, J. 2015. Careering Past the Doctorate: supporting the career progression of doctoral students. Vitae Occasional Papers, 2, 10-15.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2016. Responding to the Darcy Model of Researcher Development. In: HALLIDAY, D. & CLARKE, G., eds. 2nd International Conference on Developments in Doctoral Education and Training, 2015 Oxford. United Kingdom Council for Graduate Education, 159-169.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2015. Jumping in at the Deep End: pre-doctoral research strategies. Vitae International Conference. Manchester, UK.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2015. Developing Career Related Skills in Completing and Post-doctoral students. Researcher Education and Development 1st Annual Conference. University of Sheffield, UK.
COSTA, S., COLES, R. & BOULTWOOD, A. 2014. Walking Narratives: interacting between urban nature and self. In: SORENSEN, C. & LIEDTKE, K. (eds.) SPECIFICS: Discussing Landscape architecture. Jovis.
COSTA, S., COLES, R. & BOULTWOOD, A. Special Places and Attachment as Drivers for Cultivating Well-Being. In: MARTINHO, I., MARQUES, T. P. & ANDRADE, G., eds. Landscape: A place of cultivation, 2014 2014 University of Porto, Portugal. European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS), 131-134.
BOULTWOOD, A., TAYLOR, J. & VAUGHAN, S. 2014. The Importance of Coffee: Peer mentoring to support PGRs and ECRs in Art and Design. Vitae International Conference. Manchester, UK.
BOULTWOOD, A., TAYLOR, J. & VAUGHAN, S. 2014. The Collaborative Implications of Art and Design Research Mentoring. Tate Gallery, Liverpool: International Journal of Art and Design Education.
BOULTWOOD, A. & SHARPES, J. 2014. Careering Past the Doctorate: Supporting the career progression of doctoral students. Vitae International Conference. Manchester, UK.
BOULTWOOD, A. 2014. Clothing, Fashion and Control. In: HUNT-HURST, P. & RAMSAMY-IRANAH, S. (eds.) Fashion and its Multi-cultural Facets. 1st ed. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.

Reader in the Psychology of Fashion
Faculty of Arts, Design and Media
Birmingham City University
Parkside Building
Room 126
Tel: 0121 331 7885
Mob: 07976 663031